Posts Tagged ‘ home-made ’

Clothes, cakes, candles and creations.


It seems like is time for everyone to create their own business. It makes me really happy and proud when I see my friends and family doing so well by their own. I wanted to share with you some pictures of my sisters new Nikem Creations. Of course I also want to share with you Pitipua Vintage Summer collection and photos. I know summer is almost over but I completely forgot to write about this… the fall collection is coming out soon!

Nikem Creations

Pitipua Vintage



Here are some pictures of my home-made costume.

Halloween Costume


I finally decided what to wear for Halloween, I don’t want to have the most creative costume and I don’t want people stopping me to take pictures. Two years ago my friends and I were the Scooby Doo Gang and I came up pretty cool but everybody stopped us for pictures. It was cool but I didn’t enjoy the night as I wanted to. So, this year I decided to be a home-made villain. I already bought the mask, I only need the coat everything else I have at my house. Here’s my 5 min sketch of my costume, is a mix of The Spirit with Green Hornet.